The Center for Security Policy
High-Level Roundtable Discussion on
“The Future of U.S. Naval Supremacy”

20 April 1998
ANA Hotel, Washington D.C.

List of Participants

Morris J. Amitay, Esq., Morris J. Amitay, P.C.
Ms. Carol Axten, Office of Rep. Patrick Kennedy
Capt. Gary Barrett, USN, Department of Defense
Mr. William Bell, Center for Naval Analyses
Mr. Ernest Blazar, Washington Times
Ms. Rinelda Bliss, Center for Security Policy
Ms. Jane Brattan, Office of Senator Specter
Mr. Alex Brideau, Navy News and Undersea Technology
Capt. Edward F. Bronson, (Ret.), Phoenix Group Inc.
Ms. Cynthia L. Brown, American Shipbuilding Association
Vice Adm. Al Burkhalter, Jr., USN (Ret.), Burkhalter Associates, Inc.
Mr. Douglas Burton, Insight Magazine
Mr. Steven Cloak, Naval Air Warfare Center
Mr. Kenneth E. deGraffenreid, Institute of World Politics
Mr. Lou Ebinger, Georgetown University
Mr. Ivan Eland, Cato Institute
Mr. Rowland Evans, Evans and Novak
Mr. Tryfan D. Evans, Center for Security Policy
Mrs. Sydney McNiff Ferguson
Mr. Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., Center for Security Policy
Dr. Henry Gaffney, Center for Naval Analyses
Dr. James L. George, Analyst and Writer, National Security Affairs
Ms. Lori B. Gorman, Center for Security Policy
Mr. Greg Gridlin, Newport News Shipbuilding
Mr. Gary Hall, Senate Armed Services Committee
Mr. James D. Hessman, Sea Power Magazine
Dr. John Hillen, Council on Foreign Relations
Vice Adm. William D. Houser, USN (Ret.), Fort Scott Corporation
Mr. Leonard Kojm, General Atomics
Mr. Sven F. Kraemer, Global Challenge 2000
Mr. Otto Kreisher, Copley News Service
Dr. Eric J. Labs, Congressional Budget Office
Mr. William T. Lee, Former Case Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Hon. Christopher M. Lehman, Commonwealth Consulting Corporation
Dr. Reuven Leopold, SYNTEK
Hon. Tidal Windham McCoy, Thiokol Corporation
Adm. Wesley McDonald, USN (Ret.), Former Supreme Allied Commander,
Rear Adm. George Meinig, Jr., USN (Ret.), Techmatics
Mr. Bob Meissner, Litton Corporation
Mr. Nicholas J. Minella, Office of Delegate Underwood
Mr. Amir A. Morgan, Center for Security Policy
Hon. Sean O’Keefe, Syracuse University
Mr. Ronald O’Rourke, Congressional Research Service
Hon. Edward L. Rowny, International Negotiating Consultants, Inc.
Ms. Carey D. Ruppert, Newport News Shipbuilding
Mr. James J. Ryan, Ryan Global Research
Mr. Steven C. Saulnier, GDE Systems Inc.
Vice Adm. Robert ‘Dutch’ Schoultz, USN (Ret.), ROSCO Inc.
Dr. Wayne A. Schroeder, Logicon RDA
Mr. Joe Sixeas, Office of Senator Warner
Carl M. Smith, Esq., Higgins, McGovern & Smith
Mr. David Stafford, Northrop Grumman, Electronic Warfare
Mr. Peter M. Swartz, Center for Naval Analyses
Ms. Alicia D. Therrien, Center for Security Policy
Patrick A. Tucker, Esq., Newport News Shipbuilding
Mr. Brandon D. Wales, Center for Security Policy
Hon. John W. Warner, U.S. Senate
Mr. John Welch, General Dynamics Electric Boat Division
Mr. Eric S. Wexler, Litton Corporation
Dr. Dov S. Zakheim, SPC International Corporation

— End of List of Participants —

Center for Security Policy

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