Summit on Radical Islam: Consequences of Appeasement in a Post-9/11 World

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Young America’s Foundation sponsored its "Summit on Radical Islam: Consequences of Appeasement in a Post-9/11 World" at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California. The July 16-18 event brought together college students from across the country to learn about the radical Islamist agenda and how they can do their part to combat it.

The Center’s Mike Waller talked to the students about how we fought the far left, including those allied with the Soviet Communists, and applying our campus activist experiences of the 1980s to combating Islamist extremism on American colleges today.  He addressed issues like fighting intimidation from the Islamist radicals and their friends, shining the light of truth on them to expose their ideology and intentions, building effective if unusual political alliances, using satire, and dividing and conquering. Watch the video below.



Frank Gaffney also addressed the conference on several topics connected to the threat of Shariah, including Iran, The Stoning of Soraya M, DivestTerror, and EMP.

Click here for links to other videos from the conference, including Robert Spencer, Nonie Darwish, former Justice Department and Senate Judiciary Committee lawyer Manuel Miranda, scholar Alex Alexiev, and former Congressman Tom Tancredo who address key issues of Islamist extremism in the United States today.

Center for Security Policy

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