The President’s playing the blame game

During the presidential debates last year, the President unequivocally proclaimed that “[t]he sequester is not something that [he] proposed.”

However, after the White House spent months blaming Congress for Sequestration, the administration finally admitted that it was their idea.

Now, the Obama Administration and democrats are coming up with excuse after excuse to untangle to web they weaved, from; ‘We may have introduced it, but it was congress that voted for it!’ to ‘What does it matter, who’s idea it was?’

Additionally, the President is not only deflecting the fact that he introduced the sequester mechanism; he is continuing to make statements that blame Republicans.

In a recent press conference regarding sequestration, President Obama continued to play the blame game and point fingers, saying that sequester cuts were “happening because of a choice that Republicans in Congress have made,”  and that the GOP of is more interested in protecting “special interest tax breaks for the well-off and well-connected” than solving problems.

It is like witnessing a child explains their way out of the ‘dog ate my homework’ lie with the argument: ‘What difference does it make if I didn’t do my homework; it’s still the dogs fault!’

So, what difference does it make?

The Presidents statements relate to both his character and credibility.  It is not befitting of a President to lie and then pass-the-buck like a child who does not do their homework.  I believe we deserve more than a president with a severe case of liar liar pants on fire-itis!

Alex VanNess

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