Credit Lyonnais to Face Trial in New York for HAMAS Funding

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Paul Aster has an excellent report over on the Investigative Project’s web site about a federal judge’s decision last week clearing the way for French banking giant Credit Lyonnais to face a civil trial for allowing funds to reach the Jihadist terrorist group HAMAS through an Islamic charity:

Judge Clears Path for Trial Against French Bank’s Hamas Accounts

A leading European bank faces trial in New York later this year after a federal judge found there is sufficient evidence it knew the funds were being used to support a Palestinian terrorist group.

U.S. District Judge Dora Irizarry denied French banking giant Credit Lyonnais SA’s motion for summary judgment last Thursday, saying “there is a genuine issue” about the bank’s behavior with the accounts in question.

The case has been brought by 200 plaintiffs killed or wounded in more than a dozen Hamas terrorist acts between 2002 and 2004. Credit Lyonnais allowed a Palestinian organization that claimed to be a charity to launder Hamas money used in attacks in Israel in which the plaintiffs and their relatives were victims.

Read more at the Investigative Project…


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