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With Barry Rubin, Joseph Humire, Diana West, and Jim Hanson.

BARRY RUBIN, the Director of the GLORIA Center, predicts that President Obama’s policy for dealing with Syria will clash with Israeli opinions in his upcoming trip to Israel, and explains why the Obama administration tried to award Samira Ibrahim the International Women of Courage Award despite her anti-American views.

Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, JOSEPH HUMIRE, explains how President Nicolas Maduro will try to live up to Hugo Chavez’s legacy as a socialist, totalitarian head of state, and explores Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s ambitions to become the next socialist leader in Latin America.

DIANA WEST, syndicated columnist and author of upcoming  American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character, analyzes Rand Paul’s filibuster of last week explaining how it could spearhead a new debate in America concerning how best to confront the spread of the Shariah doctrine.

From, JIM HANSON explains the buildup in arms that the Department of Homeland Security has recently required and laments the fact that the Obama administration is not going to recognize the upcoming anniversary of the Iraq War or the sacrifice of the men and women who fought in that field.


Secure Freedom Radio

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