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The proverbial deck chairs were officially rearranged yesterday on Team Obama’s Titanic.  Tom Donilon, a Democratic political operative with negligible prior defense experience, is out as the President’s National Security Advisor.  No loss there.

Mr. Obama has appointed UN Ambassador Susan Rice to take Donilon’s job.  Her principal claim to fame is that she serially lied to us about the jihadist attacks in Benghazi last September.  Undoubtedly, this promotion is payback for Rice’s dogged loyalty to the President, not evidence she’s suited to this critical post.

Finally, the President wants the Senate to confirm another of his faithful apparatchik’s to Susan Rice’s slot at the UN.  She is Samantha Power, an ideologue convinced the international community’s dictates must trump America’s priorities.

Far from a dream team, call it a “nightmare squad.”

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