Russia’s Influence Over the Assad Regime

With Douglas J. Feith, Michael Auslin, Sebastian Gorka, Charles Faddis

With Douglas J. Feith, Michael Auslin, Sebastian Gorka, Charles Faddis

DOUGLAS J. FEITH, senior fellow and director of the Center for National Security Strategies at the Hudson Institute, offers his expertise on the challenges of enforcing international pressure in regards to Russia, and Syria’s chemical weapon stockpile.

MICHAEL AUSLIN, of the American Enterprise Institute, weighs in on the competency of the Obama administration in dealing with Syria, as well as how military budget cuts are effecting our influence abroad.

SEBASTIAN GORKA, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, gives insight into a variety of issues in the Middle East, including the ramifications of Russia’s involvement in possible negotiations with the Syrian government.

CHARLES FADDIS, former head of the CIA’s WMD terrorism unit, talks about some of the problems in the intelligence community, as well as sheds light on how problematic the possibility of a chemical weapons agreement with the Syrian government is.

Secure Freedom Radio

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