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President Obama is expected today to reward the government of Iran for its worldwide support for terrorism, subversion and nuclear ambitions.  Oh, that’s not how it will be presented to the American people, of course.

Instead, we’ll be told that the newly elected Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, has earned a handshake or perhaps even a meeting with Mr. Obama.  How?  By shutting down his country’s covert nuclear weapons program?  By abandoning Iran’s terrorist allies and their state sponsors?  Or by ending Tehran’s efforts to dominate the region and threaten Israel?

Nope.  Rouhani has done none of these things. He has simply put on a charming façade, dissembled and outright lied. Reward such behavior, President Obama, and you will get more of it – and a lot more danger from Iran and its friends.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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