Vatican’s Role In Global Fight Against Terror

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With Gregg Phillips, Diana West, Bill Gertz, Amb. Francis Rooney

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With Gregg Phillips, Diana West, Bill Gertz, Amb. Francis Rooney

GREGG PHILLIPS, founder of Voters Trust, explains the impact the U.S. think tank Demos has in regards to expanding Obamacare.

DIANA WEST, author and syndicated columnist, describes what she sees as a “hidden agenda” behind Obamacare and how it is being used to increase voter turnout.

BILL GERTZ, of the Washington Times and senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon, outlines Russia’s recent endeavors in long range missile testing.

FRANCIS ROONEY, a former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, talks about the role the Vatican plays in today’s global fight against terrorism.

Secure Freedom Radio

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