Is it Too Late to Stop Putin?

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With Sebastian Gorka, Michael Davidson, Daniel Gallington, Gordon Chang

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With Sebastian Gorka, Michael Davidson, Daniel Gallington, Gordon Chang

SEBASTIAN GORKA, a professor at the National Defense University, looks at the Russian invasion of the Crimea as a part of Vladimir Putin’s greater international ambitions. He argues strongly that NATO must stand up to Russia or risk destroying itself, and that the US can defeat Putin like it did the USSR–by undermining the enemy’s totalitarian ideology.

Former CIA Clandestine Officer MICHAEL DAVIDSON analyzes the situation in Ukraine and explains how Vladimir Putin’s nostalgia for the Iron Curtain could be his downfall, depending on the US’s next move.

DANIEL GALLINGTON, a former general counsel for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, puts Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s allegations that the CIA spied on the Intelligence Committee into the context of a ten-year plus political battle over enhanced interrogation techniques. He also discusses the ramifications of the US relinquishing its ownership of the internet.

GORDON CHANG, of, talks about the theories surrounding the missing Malaysian airliner. He also discusses the seeming contradiction that is China supporting Russia’s attempt to annex the Crimea via a referendum, considering China’s own problems with calls for independence among the Uyghurs and Tibetans. Lastly, Chang expresses his concerns that a faltering Chinese economy will lead its military leaders to take a “now or never” approach to military aggression.

Secure Freedom Radio

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