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With Lee Smith, Phillip Smyth, Peter Duke, and Nat Hentoff. David Reaboi guest hosts.

LEE SMITH, author of “The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations,” reports on recently released journals that confirm the anti-semitic sentiments of 20th century German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Smith connects Heidegger’s ideas–a major part of Western thought–to some of the anti-democratic thinking popular today among young intellectuals.

PHILLIP SMYTH, a researcher on Shia jihadists in the Middle East, describes the transformation of anarcho-capitalism into Libertarianism.

Media strategist PETER DUKE explores the power of feelings over logic among voters. Duke also details how the current trend of “exploitative, trashy” news has come about.

American historian and jazz columnist NAT HENTOFF points out the intersection of free speech and jazz music in the United States.

Secure Freedom Radio

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