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With Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Caroline Glick, Gordon Chang, Andy McCarthy

Congressman JIM BRIDENSTINE (OK-1):

  • Different laws that apply to detainment in wartime versus in peacetime
  • Obama’s goal of closing Guantanamo Bay, which is currently used under wartime laws to keep terrorist enemy combatants off of the battlefield
  • Taliban’s use of the prisoner exchange as a self-proclaimed victory over America and propaganda tool
  • Implications of a U.S. scale down in the “War on Drugs”

CAROLINE GLICK, author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East”:

  • Inter-faith prayer summit hosted by Pope Francis at the Vatican, and attended by Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas
  • Recent statement concerning the Palestinian Fatah and Hamas’s supposed agreement to a co-existence of a Jewish state
  • Problems with the U.S. agreeing to comply with the Palestinian Unity government in light of its ties to terrorism


  • New Pentagon report that details the rise of the Chinese military, focusing specifically on its expansion in the Pacific
  • Internal challenges facing the Communist Party in China
  • How much of a threat does the Chinese military perceive the U.S. To be?

ANDY MCCARTHY, author of “Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment”:

  • How the recent Taliban prisoner exchange plays into President Obama’s long-term goals for Guantanamo Bay
  • Considering the possibility that more Gitmo detainees will be released
  • Under what conditions could President Obama be successfully impeached?
Secure Freedom Radio

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