Exclusive: Sudanese Amb. Informs Rep. Meadows of Meriam Ibrahim’s Release from Sudanese Prison with Children

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With Kiron Skinner, Amb. Eric Edelman, Rep. Mark Meadows, Gordon Chang

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With Kiron Skinner, Eric Edelman, Rep. Mark Meadows, Gordon Chang

Congressman Mark Meadows (NC-11) shared news about the release of Meriam Ibrahim, a Sudanese Christian married to an American citizen and jailed with her toddler son and newborn daughter for several months. Congressman Meadows spoke with the Ambassador from Sudan and Mrs. Ibrahim by phone and announced the decision in this interview, which was recorded earlier today prior to her release.

KIRON SKINNER, Hoover Institution
“We have helped unleash Al-Qaeda, its affiliates, and great terror across the Middle East simply because we believe withdrawing is the only strategy available to the United States”
  • What history has shown about withdrawing from wars
  • The national security risk of only focusing on “core Al-Qaeda”
  • The theme of ‘”distorted jihad” in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Iran
  • Comparing the Reagan and Obama foreign policy doctrines
ERIC EDELMAN, former US Ambassador to Turkey
  • Prospects for Kurdish independence- what is Turkey’s position?
  • The implications of Turkey’s upcoming election
  • Is Turkey a reliable ally for the United States?
Rep. MARK MEADOWS, of North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District
  • Secretary Kerry’s trip to Baghdad and the possibility of a U.S./Iran alliance to quell sectarian violence
  • The Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act being brought forward in Congress
  • Should the U.S. accept the Fatah/Hamas unity government in Palestine as an ally?
  • Lois Lerner, the IRS, and the so-called “missing emails”
GORDON CHANG, Forbes.com columnist
  • Chinese plans to export untested nuclear power plant designs to countries such as Pakistan
  • Concerns about the lack of communication between Chinese and French regulators as China constructs the first of a new European-designed nuclear power plant
  • Beijing’s white paper retracting Hong Kong’s autonomy and the subsequent surge of pro-democracy activism in Hong Kong
  • The prospects that Modi’s India will economically outperform China
Secure Freedom Radio

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