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With Victor Davis Hanson, Bruce Weinrod, Bill Gertz, Olivier Guitta

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution:

  • Vladimir Putin’s ambition of ending the NATO Alliance
  • Are nuclear weapon capabilities still an effective deterrence to conflict?
  • President Obama’s increasingly isolationist foreign policy strategy
  • Differing views of immigrants and Congress on immigration reform

BRUCE WEINROD, Former Secretary of Defense Representative to Europe and Defense Advisor to the U.S. Mission NATO:

  • Is a contingency force of several thousand troops a useful deterrent against Vladimir Putin?
  • The atrophying of American strategic and tactical nuclear capabilities
  • Finding the political will to ensure that NATO is a credible alliance

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor at The Washington Free Beacon:

  • The case of eleven Libyan commercial jetliners missing after an Al-Qaeda-linked group captured the Tripoli Airport
  • ‘Politicization of intelligence” in the Obama Administration
  • A new FBI report that omits radical Islam as a domestic terrorist threat
  • Concerns over Yemeni citizens training in the US to navigate oil tankers
  • Advances in Chinese and North Korean military technology that threaten the U.S. pivot to Asia
  • An FBI warning that Cuban intelligence is actively trying to recruit American assets, and especially liberal academics

OLIVIER GUITTA, a security and geopolitical risk expert on Africa and the Middle East:

  • The continued downward spiral of the Libyan state after the Western-backed overthrow of the Gaddafi regime
  • Threats stemming from the disappearance of 11 commercial jetliners in Libya
  • Special techniques used to recruit females into jihadist organizations
Secure Freedom Radio

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