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With Ted Bromund

TED BROMUND, Senior Research Fellow in Anglo-American Relations at the Heritage Foundation:
  • Safeguarding the U.S. Constitution from infringments in the realm of international treaties
  • The synthesis of a treaty to enforceable law
  • Today’s non-contractual nature of human rights treaties
  • Examples of the Obama Administration bypassing Congress and the Senate
  • The Arms Trade Treaty’s possible impact on the arming and resupplying of American allies
  • Treaties affecting the responsibility of Federal Courts to enforce gun control regulations
  • The UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and American 2nd Amendment rights
  • Mexico’s biased handling of the 2015 Conference of States Parties Conference on the UN ATT
  • Congressional options to fight the ATT


  • The Ottawa Convention’s effect on U.S. anti-personnel land mine capabilities
  • A look at a NATO study on how land mines are essential to the U.S. military arsenal
  • The two primary components of the Iran nuclear treaty that will hurt the U.S.
  • Whether or not the U.S. should join the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Secure Freedom Radio

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