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With Jen Weedon, Mauricio Claver-Carone, Bill Roggio, Bill Gertz

JEN WEEDON, FireEye Inc. Threat Intelligence Manager:
  • The Russian state-sponsored cyber operation known as APT28
  • Russian regional interests seen in the Black Energy malware campaign
  • Cyber vulnerabilities of industrial control systems and critical infrastructure
  • The problem of attribution in deterring such threats
MAURICIO CLAVER-CARONE, executive director of the US-Cuba Democracy PAC:
  • Cuba’s enabling of a Venezuelan narco-state
  • Details of the North Korean vessel intercepted last summer in the Panama Canal carrying undeclared weapons from Cuba
  • Contradictions in UN policy towards the Castro regime
  • Predictions on U.S. policy towards Latin America in the upcoming lame duck session
BILL ROGGIO, managing editor of The Long War Journal:
  • Will the Administration push for a new Authorization for the Use of Military Force despite its incoherent strategy on the Islamic State?
  • Worrisome U.S. pandering to Tehran
  • Drone strikes in Afghanistan: “tactical successes of a strategic failure”
  • Reports that President Obama intends to fulfill his campaign promise to close Guantanamo Bay
BILL GERTZ, senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon:
  • Increased Kremlin adventurism following the sham elections of pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine
  • Europe being held hostage over Russian natural gas
  • National Security Agency Director Mike Roger’s worrisome speech on cyber deterrence
  • Using the power of the purse to counter an appeasement-oriented White House foreign policy
Secure Freedom Radio

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