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With Bill Roggio, Rick Fisher, Bill Gertz, Fred Fleitz

BILL ROGGIO, managing editor of “The Long War Journal”:
  • Restrengthening Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine
  • Realities on the ground  that impact the arming of “moderate” Syrian rebels
  • Iran’s influence in Yemen and over Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
  • A controversial new arrangement between a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group in Northern VA and the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.
RICK FISHER, Senior Fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center and author of “China’s Military Modernization: Building for Regional and Global Reach”:
  • China’s hegemonic aspirations in the Asia-Pacific region and globally
  • Rapid advances in Chinese military technology and its growing share of the international arms trade
  • Ambiguities in Washington’s Taiwan policy
BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor at the Washington Free Beacon:
  • The Administration’s use of arms control to constrain capabilities of the American military
  • President Obama’s troubled relationship with the American military leadership
  • How bipartisan will the new Republican Congress truly be with regards to national security policy?
FRED FLEITZ, senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy:
  • Why an Obama-Iran nuclear deal will still allow Tehran to obtain a bomb
  • The President’s secret letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei
  • The Truman Center and other Washington think tanks’ influence over media support for an Iranian nuclear deal
Secure Freedom Radio

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