Ezra Levant Takes Down Hillary Clinton on Her Lies About the Benghazi Terrorist Attack

If you believe the mainstream media, Hillary Clinton “won” last month’s marathon Benghazi Committee hands down with a masterful performance that showed her to be a leader who is calm under pressure. Given the media’s extremely biased coverage of the hearing, it’s no surprise that Clinton’s poll numbers rose after the hearing.

Canadian journalist Ezra Levant takes a different view than most of the American press. He explains in the below video that three emails sent by Clinton on the night of the Benghazi attack to her daughter, the Libyan president and the Egyptian foreign minister clearly show Clinton knew this violence was a terrorist attack from the start. Here is one of these emails cited by Levant that Clinton sent to her daughter Chelsea (who was using the pen name “Diane Reynolds.”) on the night of the attack:

clinton email

Levant is blunt in his assessment that Clinton was part of a deliberate campaign by the Obama administration to mislead the American people about the Benghazi terrorist attack so it would not undermine Mr Obama’s reelection chances. Levant explains that Clinton obviously knew from the start that the claim this attack was in response to an anti-Muslim video was a lie.

Levant says while most politicians lie, few lie with blood of four men on their hands. His video below is a “must watch” for all Americans concerned about our nation’s security and the integrity of our leaders.

Fred Fleitz

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