Frank Gaffney spoke to Patrick Poole on the radio today. Poole is the National Security and Terrorism Correspondent for PJ Media.

Gaffney began by asking Poole about Obama’s recent visit to a mosque in Baltimore. Poole responded:

“This is kind of emblematic of the failure of the Obama administration’s handling of violent extremism or CVE (countering violent extremist) policies which go back to the latter half of the Bush administration where we see this engagement with known bad actors in the Muslim community, promoting them as moderates that are supposedly going to help us de-radicalize yet in fact we’re seeing from an empirical point of view, we’re seeing more terrorists now than we’ve ever seen before.”

Poole then noted the irony of Obama having to travel all the way to Baltimore for a mosque visit because local mosques in the DC area had too many red flags associated with them. Gaffney noted that even the mosque in Baltimore has an imam who has been controversial. Poole reminded us that the Islamic Society which runs the mosque in Baltimore is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Gaffney suggests that America has essentially been suborned by enemy operatives from the Muslim Brotherhood . Poole agrees and suggests that this group has somehow become acceptable as a group with which our government believes it can work.

That seems unreal when you learn the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood. Poole explained:

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s endgame is identical to that of Al-Qaeda,  the Islamic State and a number of these other terrorist groups… to re-establish the caliphate and impose Sharia Law.”

As Gaffney correctly pointed out, it seems like Obama is reaching out to “the wrong Muslims.”

Many Americans probably don’t know that there was even a petition launched for the White House on to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terror organization that was signed by over 200,000 Americans which the administration brushed aside claiming there was no evidence that the Brotherhood was committed to violence.

What we have is a situation not unlike what Europe is facing.  Through increased Muslim immigration, jihadists are being embedded in our society. Some are waging cultural jihad and when that fails, militant jihad.

At the same time, we’ve got progressive leaders like New York City mayor Bill de Blasio shutting down surveillance of mosques in the name of political correctness which Poole suggests could cost American lives. Of the people who are against surveillance, Poole says:

“They’re creating the conditions which Muslims are going to be subject to more inspection because we hear these advocates saying, who basically use the Muslim community as a human shield for the extremists, and when something happens, much as it did after 9/11 when most of the surveillance took place in New York… when the next event happens it will be the whole Muslim community rather than these hot spots of jihad. It’s not rocket science.”

Gaffney makes the excellent point that if we keep reaching out to the wrong Muslim groups, it leaves very little space for the type of Muslims we want living in America who reject Sharia Law and don’t want to live under it themselves.

Gaffney and Poole concluded their discussion by noting the irony of Egypt’s rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood as our administration seems to embrace them. Poole, who has visited Egypt numerous times said that he’s often asked by the people there why we are working with the Muslim Brotherhood after millions of Egyptians protested them.

Why indeed?

Secure Freedom Radio

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