CIA Director Brennan Wont Have to Worry About Waterboarding Under the Next GOP President

CIA Director John Brennan is in the news today because of comments he made over the weekend that he will not permit CIA officers under the next president to use “waterboarding,” a controversial enhanced interrogation technique that has been successfully used to extract information about potential terrorist attacks from al Qaeda members.  Brennan’s comments came in response to statements by Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump that they may use waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation methods against terrorist suspects to protect the American people and the U.S. homeland.

Brennan told NBC News “I will not agree to carry out some of these tactics and techniques I’ve heard bandied about because this institution needs to endure.”

Brennan’s comments are an obvious attempt to keep his job if Hillary Clinton wins in November.  He also is trying to influence the presidential race which violates an unwritten rule that CIA officers must stay out of politics.

But Brennan’s recent statement is typical for a man who repeatedly has acted as a partisan tool of the Obama administration at the NSC and the CIA.  I wrote in Investor’s Business Daily last month how Brennan has played down the threat from radical Islam, was involved in the politicized CIA talking points on the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and had a hand in Obama administration efforts to read Miranda rights to foreign Islamist terrorists.

Recently, Brennan announced a new CIA diversity program to recruit and promote Agency personnel using racial, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, socio-economic status and other quotas.   By doing this, Brennan chose to put implementing the Obama administration’s radical diversity agenda at the CIA ahead of national security.

CIA Director Brennan doesn’t have to worry about approving waterboarding under a Republican president since he will be shown the door on January 20, 2017.   If Hillary Clinton wins, Brennan won’t have to implement waterboarding either since if he is kept on he would be asked to help carry out the same feckless foreign policy of the Obama administration.

Fred Fleitz

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