North Korea’s Latest Missile Test Another Sign of Defiance by Kim Regime

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North Korea reportedly conducted a test launch yesterday of a Musudan mobile medium-range ballistic missile.  This would have been the first test of this missile which has an estimated range of 1,500 to 2,500 miles.  The test probably was done to coincide with the 104th birthday of Kim Il-sung, the grandfather of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un

There will be pundits today calling this test a failure.  It would be more accurate to say it was not completely successful because North Korea gains a lot of experience and data from missile tests, even those that fail shortly after launch.

The Musudan is a dangerous missile because of its range and the fact that it is mobile, which makes it difficult to track. North Korean scientists and technicians will use the data from this test to perfect the Musudan to make it an operational missile in the North Korean arsenal.

Coming just after a report that Kim Jong Un issued an order to test a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, yesterday’s missile test will further raise tensions.  It also demonstrates that the Kim regime intends to defy international criticism and recent UN sanctions over earlier missile tests and its January 2016 nuclear test.

Fred Fleitz

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