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Last week, Senators established that the U.S. government has been willfully blind regarding the true threat posed by sharia-supremacism in America. Specifically, it has ignored the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood’s success in stealthily penetrating and subverting our constitutional republic.

Incredibly, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul seem determined to respond to these revelations by rewarding and institutionalizing such willful blindness – and further implicating their fellow Republicans in it. And they propose to do so without needed hearings or any real deliberation.

Their idea is to create a new bureaucracy in the Department of Homeland Security with at least an annual $10 million slush fund for outreach to so-called “community partners.” Today, those “partners” will almost certainly be Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

That’s crazy – and a formula for our defeat, not the needed Victory over Jihad.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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