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With Richard Pollock, Shoshana Bryen, Dr. Daniel Gouré, and Jim Hanson.

RICHARD POLLOCK, Senior investigative reporter with the Daily Caller:

  • The Clinton Foundation’s Sharia promoting backers

SHOSHANA BRYEN, Senior Director at the Jewish Policy Institute:

  • Danger to the US airbase at Incirlik, Turkey
  • Lack of a policy direction in Afghanistan
  • Possible war between Israel and Hezbollah

Dr. DANIEL GOURÉ, Vice President of the Lexington Institute, former Director of Strategic Competitiveness in the Department of Defense:

  • Nature of the Putin regime and prospects for peace
  • Russia’s emboldening
  • US’s need for a modernized deterrent
  • The Third Offset

JIM HANSON, former operator in the US Army Special Forces, Executive Vice President of the Center for Security Policy:

  • The Trump/Khan feud
  • $400 million ransom to Iran
  • Assessment on the Iran Deal one year later
  • The spread of ISIS
Secure Freedom Radio

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