End Obama’s Social Engineering of the U.S. Military

Arguably, Donald Trump’s most important commitment in the 2016 campaign was his pledge to restore the U.S. military after Barack Obama’s eight-year wrecking operation. After all, if enemies destroy our nation, we aren’t going to get to our other priorities.

With all the damage Obama’s draconian budget cuts did to the readiness of our armed forces and the qualitative edge we want them to have in combat, it is easy to overlook one of his most insidious assaults on the the morale of our men and women in uniform: the extensive social engineering of the military.

Fortunately, last Friday, Secretary of Defense James Mattis suspended a particularly outrageous aspect of that agenda: recruitment of transgender individuals. This policy should be permanently rescinded – as should other Obama measures contrary to good order and discipline, like forcing women into ground combat units.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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