The Commander-in-Chief Protects the Military from Gender Dysphoria

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Both as a candidate and as president, Donald Trump has often expressed his determination to rebuild an American military ravaged by eight years of Barack Obama’s sustained wrecking operations. Yesterday, Mr. Trump made a tangible and important step towards delivering on that promise.

With three Tweets, the current Commander-in-Chief announced the reversal of his predecessor’s decision to allow individuals with a mental illness known as gender dysphoria to join the armed forces.  This was just one example of President Obama’s practice of contemptuously engaging in social engineering of the military – without regard for its devastating impact on readiness, morale and war-fighting capabilities.

Those in uniform, and those who support them, owe President Trump a debt of thanks for sparing our military services the unjustifiable burdens of transgender troops. Next, he must protect women from being forced to serve in ground combat units.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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