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With Rep. Steve King, Michael Cutler, Deborah Weiss and Fred Fleitz

REP. STEVE KING, Represents the 4th District of Iowa, Member of the House Judiciary Committee:

  • New developments on DACA
  • President Trump’s collaboration with Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi
  • Why amnesty without border enforcement is disastrous
  • An explanation of E-verify

MICHAEL CUTLER, Retired Senior Special Agent of the Former Immigration and Naturalization Services, Hosts “The Michael Cutler Hour’ on Friday evenings on BlogTalk Radio:

  • Immigration and vetting post 9/11
  • President Trump’s travel moratorium
  • Consequences of DACA program

DEBORAH WEISS, Author of The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Jihad on Free Speech and Islamist Influence in Hollywood:

  • The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the battle for freedom of speech
  • Consequences of Human Rights Counsel Resolution 1816
  • The criminalization of Islamic blasphemy
  • Implications of House-Joint Resolution 117

FRED FLEITZ, Senior VP for Policy and Programs at CSP, Former CIA Analyst, Former Chief of Staff for Amb. John Bolton in the State Department:

  • October recertification of Iran Deal
  • How continuing JCPOA is a recipe for global nuclear proliferation
Secure Freedom Radio

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