The Swan Song of the EMP Commission

Former Congressman Curt Weldon, the only member of congress who held simultaneously the Vice Chairmanship of the House Armed Services Committee and House Homeland Security Committee, and who was also responsible for giving the United States national missile defense recently stated:   “Only Washington bureaucrats could be so stupid they would terminate the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, also known as the Congressional EMP Commission — just when North Korea threatened to attack the United States with EMP.”

Indeed, on September 30, 2017, this Commission – and the multi-decades of experience of its members – expired.   Yesterday, the Commission’s Chairman, Dr. William R. Graham, and its Chief of Staff,  Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, testified before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency about the incredible and imminent threats facing the U.S. electric grid and made extraordinarily wise recommendations for addressing these threats.

Let’s hope and pray that these recommendations are taken to heart by members of that committee.  To read the testimony for yourself, click here

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