Heed – and Help – Middle Eastern Women Opposing Sharia

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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

On Capitol Hill today, a formidable group of American women mostly hailing from the Middle East will be warning lawmakers and their staff about the threat posed to females by the totalitarian Islamic code known as Sharia.  Their message is especially urgent since this brutally misogynistic doctrine is not only evident in their native lands, but increasingly in this country, as well.

Members of this Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition, led by a bestselling Turkish-American author named Rabia Kazan, will describe such egregious manifestations of Sharia as honor killings, child marriage and female genital mutilation.

The Coalition’s message is that those who seek to impose Sharia worldwide are on the march.  They must be challenged and resisted, not accommodated and appeased.

We must start by heeding and amplifying these strong female voices speaking out for women and girls being silenced – and worse – by Sharia-supremacism.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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