Hold China Accountable for the North Korean Threat

Two of the world’s most dangerous tyrants are currently meeting to plot how to put America last in their dealings with a U.S. President determined to put it first. As Donald Trump mulls how he wants to proceed with China’s dictator-for-life Xi Jinping and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, their summit in Pyongyang this week is a helpful reminder that both are increasingly implacable foes.

Make no mistake: North Korea is a vassal state of Communist China. Its nuclear weapons program and threatening behavior are enabled and encouraged by Beijing. As long as the PRC can extract concessions from the United States by claiming to restrain the North Korean regime, it will continue to do the opposite.

At his own summit with Xi next week, Mr. Trump must serve notice that, from now on, China won’t be rewarded  for undermining our security.

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