This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

The most likely casualty of the manufactured, so-called “scandal” over President Trump’s July conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart will be Joe Biden. The question occurs: Was that the real impetus behind what otherwise appears to be an exceedingly incompetent political gambit?

The idea that Nancy Pelosi would otherwise have decided to throw in with her nemeses on the socialist “Squad” is hard to credit. Her record as a calculating and disciplined Democratic operative is the antithesis of the way she cluelessly jumped into an impeachment investigation without knowing what actually transpired during that phone call.

What would have been a safe bet, though, is that putting Ukraine up in lights would inevitably expose to withering scrutiny the corrupt dealings of the relatively centrist presidential candidate. And that, it seems certain, will soon clear the field for a radical leftist like Elizabeth Warren.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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