Fleitz: “I would like to see some justice for General Flynn”

“It’s very clear that Flynn was part of a very determined and sophisticated effort to destroy him as a part of the Obama administration’s efforts to wreck the Trump presidency,” said Center President Fred Fleitz on Loud Dobbs tonight.

Center President Fred Fleitz appeared on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the latest developments in the Michael Flynn case and his own role in exposing the plot to sink the doomed national security adviser in the months before he took office.

“It’s very clear that Flynn was part of a very determined and sophisticated effort to destroy him as a part of the Obama administration’s efforts to wreck the Trump presidency,” said Fleitz. He noted that he himself spoke with General Flynn in December of 2016 about the “urgent need to depoliticize and reform and streamline US intelligence,” the potential of which made career intelligence officers fear Flynn and become “determined to take him out.”

Regarding the role of John Brennan in the Michael Flynn case, Fleitz says that Brennan actually “suppressed information that Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win and Trump to lose” back in 2016. “This was high quality intelligence that Brennan suppressed over the objections of CIA officers.” The report that details this has been sitting at the CIA since September 2018 and Fleitz understands there is a good change acting DNI Rick Grenell may be releasing the report in the near future.

As far as next steps that need to be taken, Fleitz thinks General Flynn should “sue the government and get damages for the way he was mistreated… I would like to see some justice for General Flynn.”

Center for Security Policy

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