‘Beijing’s Bankers’ must stop fundraising for the Chinese Communist Party

US China currency

Background of US one hundred dollar and China Yuan notes

Truly obscene amounts of money are sloshing around as Election Day approaches. The “Harris-Biden” campaign and its friends are particularly awash with cash – especially with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s passing and the looming fight over her successor. Then, there’s the vast sums the Black Lives Matter organization gives the Democratic ATM known as Act Blue.

There’s another force pulling out all the stops to influence the outcome of the presidential race this year: the Chinese Communist Party. And it turns out that the CCP is doing a lot of fundraising of its own with help from what should henceforth be known as “Beijing’s Bankers.”

That’s right. Big Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, BlackRock and Bank of America are working to raise tens of billions of dollars for China with the savings of people like you. That must stop.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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