Joseph Humire details the deep connections between the Maduro regime and Hezbollah

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With Joseph Humire, Robert Charles and Joe Bosco

JOSEPH HUMIRE, Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, Former Director of Institute Relations at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Author of Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America (2014):

  • Hezbollah’s illicit activity around the world
  • The infrastructure Hezbollah has put in place in Venezuela


  • The connection between the Maduro regime in Venezuela and Hezbollah
  • Joseph’s recent report explaining this connection
  • How the Maduro regime is trying to divide the United States

ROBERT CHARLES, Former Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author of Eagles and Evergreens:

  • Comparing Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s approaches to foreign policy
  • Biden’s idea of arms control
  • What is Kamala Harris’ idea of foreign policy?

JOE BOSCO, Former China Country Director, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Member of the U.S.-China task force at the Center for National Interest:

  • How serious of a threat does China pose to Taiwan?
  • Analyzing a recent speech by Robert O’Brien directed at the Chinese Communist Party

Secure Freedom Radio

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