The world must really boycott the Genocide Games

Yesterday, the prospect of Genocide Games being held in China next February became decidedly more problematic.

A U.S. congressional hearing established on Tuesday that the participation of governments, corporate sponsors and athletes in Winter Olympics in Beijing would be tantamount to excusing and legitimating the Chinese Communist Party’s myriad crimes, including monstrous and ongoing ones against humanity.

Leaders on both sides of the political aisle and of Capitol Hill endorsed the thrust of testimony they heard: The United States must move and/or boycott games hosted by a regime that one witness, human rights champion Reggie Littlejohn, accurately described as a “transnational criminal organization.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi floated a trial balloon of restricting the boycott to diplomats and officials only. The CCP would welcome such a transparent fraud and betrayal of its victims.

The world must really boycott, not enable, Beijing’s Genocide Games.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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