Center for Security Policy releases survey of supporters on Biden

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                          Dec. 6, 2021


Media Contact: Adam Savit (202) 719-2413

Jamal Ware (202) 719-2423


Center for Security Policy Releases Survey of Supporters on Biden

On National Security, Conservatives Don’t Trust the President

WASHINGTON – The Center for Security Policy today released the results of a survey compiled from feedback provided by the Center’s supporters that gives President Biden and his administration failing marks for its handling of national security and foreign policy.

“The ongoing debacle in Afghanistan was only the most visible failure of the Biden administration,” said Fred Fleitz, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy. “But on China, Iran, securing our infrastructure and many other matters, the Center’s survey shows that Americans by a wide margin are concerned with the national security policies and priorities being pursued by President Biden.”

The Center’s survey showed Biden receiving failing marks on his stewardship of the country, the economy, foreign policy, border and immigration policies, and COVID response. Biden climate policies, such as reentering the Paris Climate Accords and pursuit of the budget busting, inflationary Green New Deal also received low marks from Center supporters.

“The Center’s advice to President Biden would be to change course and pursue a more robust, America first foreign policy,” Fleitz said. “Americans want to see American leadership at home and on the global stage. The rise of China and Iranian nuclear proliferation are all areas where Biden could step up, but instead he continues to pursue failed policies of appeasement.

“And it’s not just the Center’s survey that shows dissatisfaction, poll after poll has shown Biden’s support cratering across the board and in all demographics. The president has a choice to listen to Americans asking for a change or to continue to dismiss their negative views of him as ‘transitory.’”

The Center’s survey results and Biden report card, drawn from a randomized sample of 500 respondents, are available here.


Center for Security Policy

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