Why no accountability for real national security damage?

The federal judge providing much-needed adult supervision over the Justice Department’s unprecedented persecution of former President Donald Trump has agreed that the U.S. intelligence community can continue to assess damage allegedly done to national security by having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.

Ignore for the moment the question of whether such documents are even classified, given a president’s unlimited power to declassify such material – something the Trump team says he did. As Mark Levin powerfully argued during his Fox News show last night, the intelligence folks seem curiously indifferent to actual help past presidencies have given our enemies.

Among the worst was Obama’s enabling of Putin’s Skolkovo project, whereby hypersonic missile-relevant and other highly sensitive U.S. technology was transferred to Russia, and probably ultimately to China. There’s been no accountability for the threat from both deploying such weapons, while we still have not.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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