Middle East

Following two decades of conflict in the Middle East, U.S. policy in the region remains mired in outdated assumptions and failed negotiations. Our experts focus on understanding the ideologies and strategies of key players in the region.

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Middle East Experts / contact for an interview

David Wurmser
Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs
Maya Carlin
Caroline Glick
Senior Fellow

Middle East Solutions / view all

Why the White House turned on Israel

The chattering class in Israel struggles with understanding American behavior. How did the United States turn 180-degrees from supporting Israel in the first days of...

Florida leads on Iran once again

States have stepped up to make sure that their citizens do not unwillingly participate in providing corporate life support to a terrorist regime by doing...

Short-circuiting Iran’s strategy in the Black Sabbath War

The current war between Israel and Hamas is not an Israeli-Palestinian issue, nor should its goals be only the removal of Hamas from power. The...

Reflections on Israel’s strategic options

A version of this article appeared in Secure American Freedom Foundation’s website. U.S. President Biden’s speech conveyed unwavering support of Israel, but I would not...

Middle East Media / view all


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Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke