Since the Nazis killed six million Jews, we have promised “Never again.” Today, thanks to Joe Biden’s intensifying betrayal of the modern Jewish State, “Again” is now a distinct possibility.

In fact, after Israel was genocidally attacked on October 7th, the Biden administration has combined professions of commitment to her survival and arms resupply with a series of initiatives that have encouraged, enabled and emboldened her enemies – and ours – to believe they can achieve their stated goal of destroying the Jews and their nation.

These include acting to: save Hamas; fund its Iranian backer; create what would inevitably be a new Palestinian terror state; and decapitate Israel’s democratically elected government.

A new poll reveals that, by a margin of 79 to 21 percent American voters support Israel. So, Joe Biden is not only betraying our Jewish ally. He’s betraying us. Again.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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