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Public Facilities Prepared for EMP Document
2019 EMP Equipment and Facilities Guide (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Level 1
- Store two weeks of food, water, and other supplies for staff.
- Unplug power, data, and antenna lines from spare equipment where feasible.
- Turn off equipment that cannot be unplugged and is not actively being used.
- Use at least a lightning rated surge protection device (SPD) on power cords, antenna lines, and data cables; maintain spare SPDs.
- Maintain a battery operated AM/FM/NOAA radios to receive Emergency Alerts.
Level 2
- Store one month of food, water, and other supplies for staff.
- Acquire and store spare radios, computers and other equipment in faraday bags or wrap in heavy duty aluminum foil.
- Use fiber optic cables (with no metal); otherwise use shielded cables, ferrites, and SPDs.
- Add an EMP rated surge protection device (SPD) in series with the lightning SPD on power cords, antenna lines, and data cables; maintain spare SPDs.
- Have either EMP protected backup power or a generation source that is not connected to the grid.
Level 3
- Exercise COOP/COG plans that involve the actual deployment and set up at alternate facilities.
- Store three months of food, water, and other supplies for staff.
- Acquire and store spare radios, computers and other equipment in faraday bags and locate the bags in faraday cages/cabinets.
- Use on-line/double-conversion uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or a high quality line interactive UPS.