A blow for freedom in Chile, an inspiration for Brazil?


The people of Chile just delivered a stunning rebuke to the Communist they elected as president last year, Gabriel Boric. Call it “buyer’s remorse.”

In a referendum Sunday, fully 61 percent of voters rejected a new, leftist constitution Boric strongly supported. It represents the first significant setback to the red tsunami that has seen one after another of our hemisphere’s nations entrust power to the not-so-tender-mercies of Communists.

The question is not only whether a better constitution will now emerge in Chile, one that will actually check Boric’s bid to effect what Barack Obama would call the “fundamental transformation” of that country?

Even more important is whether the Chilean electorate’s second thoughts will encourage voters in Brazil – the last major free nation in the region, to spare their nation the restoration in November of another dangerous Communist, felonious ex-president Lula da Silva.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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