Donald Trump delivered yesterday what may prove to be the defining speech of this presidential race. In it, he offered a stark choice on immigration: Continued criminality and violence, or security-minded policies designed to restore the rule of law.

The Republican candidate presented a 10-point plan of practical steps rooted in a few common-sense principles, including: Secure the border. Deport criminal aliens. No more “sanctuary cities.” Stop importing jihadists by admitting only foreign immigrants who “share our values and love our people.”

Such propositions give new meaning to the term “America First” and seem sure to appeal to most citizens and legal immigrants who share a commitment to this country – and alarm about its “fundamental transformation” thanks to Team Obama’s destructive immigration policies.

I don’t envy Hillary Clinton, who is implicated in those policies and must explain why she’d perpetuate them.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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