A Politicized Admiral Calls the Kettle Black

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Yesterday, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff expressed concern about the “politicization” of the U.S. military. On ABC’s “This Week,” Adm. Mike Mullen criticized John Kelly, a former four-star general turned Trump White House Chief of Staff, for being “very supportive of the president no matter what….That was really a sad moment for me.”

The irony is that Adm. Mullen was himself accused of allowing his credentials as a uniformed officer to serve a highly political purpose.  In Mullen’s case, it appeared to be a matter of being “very supportive” of Secretary of State Clinton “no matter what” as he led with an equally partisan former diplomat, Amb. Thomas Pickering, a damage-control operation in the wake of the preventable, deadly Benghazi terrorist attack.

Evidently, Adm. Mullen materially helped Hillary’s cover-up, something way worse than saddening.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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