Affirm Our Consequential Election — and Confirm Gorsuch

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Barack Obama often observed that “Elections have consequences.” That’s especially true of the likely make-up of the federal judiciary under a President Donald Trump, rather than a President Hillary Clinton.

Take Mr. Trump’s nomination yesterday of Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the untimely demise of Justice Antonin Scalia. With this appointment, the new President laudably seeks to preserve the make-up of the Scalia-era Court regarding “judicial activism” – a term used to describe the anti-constitutional practice of legislating from the bench. Justice Scalia vehemently opposed it. So will a Justice Gorsuch.

Not so President Obama, Hillary Clinton and many Senate Democrats –some of whom have pledged to block anyone selected by President Trump. But the American people have spoken and their choice of Mr. Trump, and his choice of Neil Gorsuch, should be swiftly affirmed.

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