Are you next?

In a Russian provincial capital this weekend, a mob invaded the airport intent on tearing Jewish passengers limb from limb. That wasn’t just an example of resurgent anti-Semitism in the tradition of virulent pogroms conducted in that neighborhood for centuries.
It was an example of jihadist bloodlust commanded by the Islamic doctrine of Sharia. Fortunately, the perpetrators did not succeed in Dagestan, as they did recently in Israel. The question is: Could it happen here?
Incredibly, similar, potentially murderous violence has occurred of late at Cooper’s Union, Cornell University and the Brooklyn Bridge, among other places.
Throughout history, the persecution of Jews does not end with the Jews. Christians and others inevitably are targeted, as well. In due course, so will be Western civilization – unless and until it fully submits to enslaving Islamic rule.
It’s time to choose: Surrender or resist.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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