Fresh from his whirlwind visit to Israel, Joe Biden, will provide tonight a report on the war there. It’s unlikely to be either a complete or honest rendering. 

After all, that would require him to take substantial responsibility for this conflict. While Beijing and Tehran enabled their Hamas proxy’s genocidal invasion, none of that would likely have happened but for Team Biden’s anti-Israel machinations since it came to office. 

Biden’s wrecking operation – aimed not only at destroying Donald Trump’s Mideast legacy but isolating and undermining the Jewish State and its government – has transformed the relative security Israel and other pro-American nations there enjoyed in November 2020 with an incipient regional conflagration.

Joe Biden’s making U.S. weapons resupply contingent on Israel allowing what amounts to the resupply of Hamas in the guise of “humanitarian relief” is, shamefully, more of the same.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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