Caroline Glick: Diplomacy is not geared towards preventing Iran from getting the bomb


With Caroline Glick

CAROLINE GLICK, Senior Columnist, Breitbart News, Senior Contributor, Jerusalem Post and Maariv, Author, “The Israeli Solution: A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East,” Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Host, Caroline Glick’s Mideast News Hour, @CarolineGlick

Part 1: 

  • Caroline Glick argues that the Biden administration is effectively siding with the Iranian regime
  • Robert Malley is back in government, this time as the State Department’s envoy to Iran
  • Glick: U.S. diplomacy is not geared towards preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon

Part 2: 

  • Iran has always wanted to develop a nuclear weapon – their intensions were never peaceful
  • Glick claims that the Obama administration knew that the Iranian regime was actively deceiving the international community
  • Glick recaps on the successes witnessed during the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign

Part 3: 

Part 4: 

  • The Elephant of Jew Hatred
  • Glick: Hatred of the Jewish ethnicity dominated most of the anti-Semitic sphere throughout the 20th century, now anti-Zionism is on the rise, raising questions about the legitimacy of a Jewish homeland
  • Updates about Israel’s domestic and political situation

Secure Freedom Radio

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