Dangers ahead in Air Force procurement
Globalization has compelled the Pentagon to rely on foreign manufacturers for key elements of the nation's defense needs. While that...
Why it’s working
With General Petraeus at the helm, success in Iraq seems more and more likely. Congress, and the country, need to...
Who put them in charge?
Since their accession to power in January, parts of the 110th Congress have been inching ever closer to direct confrontation...
Blunt truth about the surge
In spite of the surge's palpable success, anti-war legislators are determined to bring the troops home, the mission incomplete. In a...
Signs of the surge’s success
In Iraq the surge is showing early signs of success despite the efforts of Congress. In an op.ed for Wednesday's Wall Street...
Arms controllers return
With Al Gore winning an Oscar for propagandizing about an admittedly somewhat hyped threat of global warming, the convergence of...
Debating the anti-surge resolution
A U.S. Soldier with the Multi-Iraqi Transitional Team, 4th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division positively identifies and engages an enemy...
Iranian activity in Iraq
Recent news reports have made it all too clear that Iranian operatives have been engaged in attacking U.S. soldiers and their...
Driving While Defeatist
Sorry Senator, I'm afraid I can't let you continue to legislate in this condition. Members of the 110th Congress are...
Kyl offers second opinion on space ‘weaponization’
(Washington, D.C.): Following two weeks of confusion bordering on panic displayed by American officials in the wake of Communist...
Straw in the solar wind
Breaking nearly two weeks of silence, Communist China has now confirmed that it did indeed successfully attack and destroy an...
The Army’s new COIN manual
The Army's new Counterinsurgency Field Manual FM 3-24, was published in December 2006 and is a thorough and insightful treatment...
Ethiopia and Somalia
by Paul B. Henze A lack of relevant fact and background information characterizes most reporting on recent developments in Somalia. ...