Shariah: The Threat to America
Purchase for Kindle Purchase paperback Download free PDF Shariah-The-Threat-to-America-Team-B-Report For nearly a decade since 9/11, America’s national security establishment’s understanding...
Purchase for Kindle Purchase paperback Download free PDF Shariah-The-Threat-to-America-Team-B-Report For nearly a decade since 9/11, America’s national security establishment’s understanding...
For nearly a decade since 9/11, America’s national security establishment’s understanding of the threat of Islamic terrorism and its approach...
At his White House press conference Friday, President Obama once again endorsed the placement of a triumphalist mosque in immediate...
How do you know your vacation has been too short? You leave behind one charlatan, whose concept of “building bridges”...
General David Petraeus has sounded an alarm about the planned burning of copies of the Quran on the anniversary of...
We sent an email to the Department of Agriculture yesterday afternoon, asking for confirmation concerning their co-sponsorship (with the Muslim...
Think of it as ACORN reborn, with a slice of Jihad on the side. On August 31, this coming Tuesday,...
A new Pew Center poll says nearly one-in-five Americans think Barack Obama is a Muslim. Perhaps that is because of...
Frank Gaffney appears on the Glenn Beck Show to discuss the Ground Zero Mosque and Shariah.
As I looked out at the thousands of people assembled near Ground Zero on Sunday to oppose the construction of...
Stop the presses! This just in: The Associated Press “standards center” has issued a “staff advisory” on covering what is...
There is a term which you may have seen or heard mentioned in the news, the blogosphere or on talk...
Frank Gaffney and Former Muslims United's Wafa Sultan join Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss Shariah in the context...
Do the math. The 15 floors planned for the Ground Zero Mosque just don’t add up. What’s the goal? Maybe...
On Friday night, Barack Obama gave his full-throated endorsement to a mosque and "cultural center" on private property that has...
At a White House celebration of Ramadan tonight in the company of representatives of several of the Nation's most prominent...