James Comey’s Latest Letter
With Paul Sperry and Gordon Chang PAUL SPERRY, Editor-in-Chief of CounterJihad.com, New York Post columnist: FBI recommends no charges for...
With Paul Sperry and Gordon Chang PAUL SPERRY, Editor-in-Chief of CounterJihad.com, New York Post columnist: FBI recommends no charges for...
With Rep. Scott Perry, Tom Rogan, Rep. Duncan Hunter and Bill Gertz REP. SCOTT PERRY (PA-4) Member of the House...
The Center for Security Policy reported in its September 2015 publication Star Spangled Shariah that the Muslim Brotherhood was actively...
With Dr. Stephen Blank STEPHEN BLANK, Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council: Putin’s domestic and foreign policy goals...
On Thursday 27 October 2016, in a room packed with hundreds of freedom loving Americans, Oklahoma State Representative John Bennett...
With Ken Timmerman, Diana West, Jim Hanson and Jose Cardenas KEN TIMMERMAN, Investigative Reporter, New York Times Bestselling Author: Huma...
There they go again. In response to a top-level national security panel presentation organized by Rabbi Jonathan Hausman at the...
With Daniel Gallington, Robert C. O’Brien, Leo Hohmann and Gordon Chang DANIEL GALLINGTON, Senior Policy and Program Advisor at the...
With Robert Spencer, Dr. Bruce Bechtol and Bill Gertz ROBERT SPENCER, Director of JihadWatch, Author of The Truth About Muhammad:...
On Wednesday October 19th, an Afghani soldier killed two Americans and left three wounded, after opening fire on Americans at...
With Jim Hanson, Diana West and Faith McDonnell JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President of the Center for Security Policy: Facebook...
Purchase for Kindle Purchase paperback Download free PDF gatewaytojihad Fifteen years after 9/11, one reality should be self-evident: No matter...
With Admiral Ace Lyons ADMIRAL JAMES “ACE” LYONS, Former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, served as Senior...
With Rep. Rob Wittman, Adam Kredo, Rep. Lee Zeldin and Gordon Chang REP. ROB WITTMAN (VA-1), Member of the House...
With Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Richard Pollock, Katherine Zimmerman and Bill Gertz ADMIRAL JAMES “ACE” LYONS, former Commander of the...
With David Feith, Kevin Freeman, Fred Fleitz, Russ Dallen and Susan Warner DAVID FEITH, Editorial Writer for The Wall Street...