Time for Consequences
It’s hard not to admire Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s brazenness. Two weeks ago, Abbas signed on to 15 international...
It’s hard not to admire Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s brazenness. Two weeks ago, Abbas signed on to 15 international...
The Palestinians’ corrupt Fatah faction that has long despotically misruled the West Bank has just announced that it will form...
The Free World has just lost one of its most brilliant, visionary and tenacious defenders – and it could scarcely...
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is back in the news. He has been in a comma for years and...
Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Tevi Troy joins Frank for the entire Secure Freedom Radio hour. As a renowned presidential historian,...
Former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin takes inventory on the U.S. role in...
For decades, a consistent, bipartisan goal of American foreign policy has been to minimize the Kremlin’s presence in and influence...
With Caroline Glick The Jerusalem Post's CAROLINE GLICK joins Frank for a full show to discuss the direction of the...
For some time now, it has been clear that President Obama has switched sides in the so-called “War on Terror.”...
Nothing indicts an American presidency more than when a country is lost to the Free World and taken over by...
Suddenly, friends of Israel are frantic about President Obama’s increasingly hostile policies towards the Jewish State. For one thing, Team...
Recent press reports say one of Barack Obama’s top goals for his second term is brokering a “peace” deal between...
It is often observed that Albert Einstein described insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting...
Once again the UN has been shown to be a dysfunctional organization controlled by despots and outlaws. Yesterday, the Islamic...
TRANSCRIPT BELOW: HH: Joined now by Frank Gaffney, president of the Center For Security Policy, www.securefreedom.org. Frank Gaffney, my...
Over the past week, President Barack Obama and his senior advisers have told us that the US is poised to...